Saturday, May 14, 2016

SDR 101 presentation from MISC.conf

Today I had the privilege of speaking at the first MISC.conf (, where I discussed Software Defined Radio 101.  In this talk, I cover some of the basic hardware and software tools for getting into SDR, focusing on using SDR# in Windows.  I've provided some links to helpful resources to get you started.  In a later blog post, I'll try to outline some of the content that was discussed that isn't reflected in the slides.

The slides are available here.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Detecting and Preventing the Insider Threat - 2016 ND IT Symposium

I've updated my deck for "Detecting and Preventing the Insider Threat," which was presented at the 2016 ND IT Symposium on May 4, 2016.  The slides can be found here:  As always, feedback and questions are welcome and encouraged!